Future perspectives on defocus particle tracking

Lisbon, July 6th 2024
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa


This 1-day meeting will provide a forum for expert users and developers of defocusing particle tracking (DPT) techniques and it will focus on two key aspects: uncertainty and future perspectives. The aim is to consolidate and standardize the metrics and procedures to evaluate the performance of DPT methods, and to discuss future perspectives and needs of the community, with special emphasis on the impact and development of AI-based methods.

The meeting

The meeting will be organized in two sessions, a morning session on uncertainty and an afternoon session on future perspectives.

Each session will start with a 45-min introductory talk, followed by 10-minute talks from the participants, and concluded with a roundtable discussion. Coffee breaks and lunch will be provided.

Financial support from DFG under the Grant CI 185/17-1 is gratefully acknowledged.


Organizing Committee


Massimiliano Rossi

University of Bologna


Christian Cierpka

TU Ilmenau

Local Committee


Ana Moita

Instituto Superior Técnico


Miguel Panão

Universidade de Coimbra

Lab Tour & Get Together

At the end of the meeting, there will the possibility to further get to know each other and have a tour of the laboratories of Interfacial plus Microscale Phenomena, and Thermofluids, Combustion and Energy Systems.


The event is free of charge and open to everyone, but registration is mandatory, by filling in the registration form and send it per email to the organizing committee to the e-mail address microfluidics@tu-ilmenau.de until 31 December 2023.

Participants are encouraged to submit contributions on their research on defocus imaging, to be discussed in the meeting. A selection of the contributions will take place if the number of interested participants will exceed the number of available seats.

The notification of acceptance will be sent within 22 March 2024.

Registration is now closed

Contacts and Venue address

The meeting will take place at Instituto Superior Técnico of Universidade de Lisboa.